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EASTER IS ON SUNDAY WHICH MEANS POST-BRUNCH DESSERTS! Or pre-brunch desserts, that works too. 😛

Every Easter, I go nuts over the desserts (hence, the statement above). This year, I’m super excited to make one of my favorite go-to desserts: butterscotch haystacks. But I’m adding a little holiday twist to the typical blob of haystacks… I’m going for butterscotch haystack nests.

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First and foremost, what is a haystack, you might ask? Simply your next favorite dessert! It only requires three ingredients (butterscotch chips, peanut butter, and chow mein noodles) and about only 10 minutes to make, resulting in countless bites of pure heaven. One of the best things about haystacks in general is the look of confusion on friends’ faces when I tell them what exactly is in a haystack. They often think the crispiness comes from pretzels, but they’re always blown away by the fact that it comes from chow mein noodles. It’s a bit of a bizarre combination, but boy oh boy, it’s the perfect blend of rich smoothness from the peanut butter/butterscotch mixture with that extra crunch from the noodles. YUM!!

Back in elementary school, I would make butterscotch haystacks with my momma to give to my teachers. I wish I could tell you where we first came across the butterscotch haystack recipe but it’s something momma and me would constantly make together. When I showed her pictures of my butterscotch haystack nests, she fell in love and immediately hopped in the kitchen to make some for her co-workers!


These haystack nests are a great alternative to the normal haystacks I’m used to making. Plus, the eggs in the center are chocolate M&Ms so that adds another sweet flavor to the butterscotch haystack. If they’re already a hit with my friends and family BEFORE Easter brunch, I can only imagine how long they’ll be on the table before being completely devoured. I’m guessing maybe four minutes? Five? Regardless, Easter Sunday will sure be a blast with these little haystack nests up for grabs! CAN’T WAIT!

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